In the decade following the American Civil War, many U.S. farmers formed a coalition known as the Granger movement or Grangerism. The Grangers fought against high grain-transport prices charged by the railroads, which were, at the time, monopolies. The Granger movement was one of the forerunners of the Populist and Progressive movements.
A government postal worker named Oliver Hudson Kelley started the Granger movement. He had once worked for the federal government’s agricultural agency, and in that position he had toured the South. Hudson was shocked by the ignorance there of sound agricultural practices. In 1867 he formed an organization—the Patrons of Husbandry—to bring farmers together for educational discussions and social purposes. The organization involved secret ritual and was divided into local lodges called “Granges.” Today, the organization is known as the National Grange.
To give his organization momentum, Kelley returned to his home state of Minnesota and began contacting farmers he knew. By 1869 there were at least 37 Grange lodges in the state. After 1870 the Granger movement gained more followers as it became increasingly political. By 1873, when the country’s economic condition took a decided downturn, there were Granges in nearly every state. The maximum membership, reached in the mid-1870s, was about 800,000 in about 20,000 lodges. The greatest concentration of membership was in the Midwest.
The farmers had many grievances, including the drastic drop in prices for agricultural goods in the years after the American Civil War. What drew most farmers to the Granger movement, however, was the need for unified action against the monopolistic practices of the railroads and the grain elevators (which were often owned by the railroads). With neither competition nor government regulation, these companies charged exorbitant rates for handling and transporting the farmers’ crops and other agricultural products.
In 1871 Illinois farmers got their state legislature to pass a bill setting maximum rates that railroads and grain-storage facilities could charge. Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa later passed similar regulatory laws. The railroad and grain-handling companies challenged these laws in court, asserting that they were unconstitutional. The so-called Granger cases reached the U.S. Supreme Court in 1877.
The most important of the Granger cases was Munn v. Illinois. In this case, a Chicago grain-storage facility challenged the constitutionality of the 1871 Illinois law setting maximum rates. The court upheld the Illinois law, with Chief Justice Morrison Remick Waite writing for the majority. The court ruled that a private company that affects the public interest is subject to governmental regulation. Since grain-storage facilities were devoted to public use, the government could regulate the rates they charge. Munn v. Illinois was a highly significant case in the struggle for public regulation of private enterprise. (Later court decisions, however, sharply curtailed the government’s power to regulate business.)
Meanwhile, independent farmers’ political parties began appearing all over the country. These parties were outgrowths of the Granger movement. Ignatius Donnelly was one of the principal organizers, and his weekly newspaper Anti-Monopolist was highly influential. At their Grange meetings, farmers were urged to vote only for candidates who would promote agricultural interests. If the two major parties would not check the monopolistic practices of railroads and grain elevators, the Grangers turned to their own parties for action.
In the late 1870s the Granger movement began to subside. The Greenback Party and other organizations for agricultural protest arose, drawing support away from the Grangers. In addition, to counteract unjust business practices, the Grangers started cooperatives such as grain elevators, creameries, and stores. Many of these, however, could not compete with private enterprise. By 1880 Granger membership had dropped to slightly more than 100,000.
The Granger movement rebounded in the 20th century, especially in the eastern part of the United States. The National Grange remains a fraternal organization of farmers that takes an active stance on national legislation affecting the agricultural sector.
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