Atticus offers free, high-quality disability advice for Americans who can't work. Our team of Stanford and Harvard-trained lawyers has a combined 15+ years of legal experience and has helped over 50,000 Americans apply for disability benefits.
Why trust us?If you’re a veteran applying for disability compensation benefits, you should submit a Statement in Support of Claim. This supporting statement gives you the opportunity to share information about your condition and your life pre- and post-service.
A personal statement can be highly influential in your disability case. Learn more about a Statement in Support of Claim and how to write an effective letter with the tips below.
A Statement in Support of Claim is a form veterans can submit as part of the disability compensation benefits application. While not required, a Statement in Support of Claim can provide helpful information to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) beyond your service and medical records.
A Statement in Support of Claim may include details about the event or exposure that led to your condition and how it impacts your day-to-day life post-service.
The veteran applying for disability compensation benefits should write the Statement in Support of Claim themselves. This first-person narrative can humanize your claim to the VA and strengthen your application.
In some cases, a person knowledgeable about your condition, such as a family member, friend, or medical professional, can submit a Statement in Support of Claim on your behalf. It’s important the form is an accurate depiction of your own account. Ideally, you should your own Statement in Support of Claim, along with lay statements or buddy statements from others.
You can submit a Statement in Support of Claim at any point throughout the application process, whether you’re filing an initial disability compensation claim or an appeal. The Statement in Support of Claim can help establish a service connection for your condition, or it can provide additional information to increase your disability rating.
You can download VA Form 21-4138 from to submit a formal statement to support your claim. When writing a Statement in Support of Claim, follow these steps:
Consider the following tips for writing a strong Statement in Support of Claim:
T ake our short quiz to see if you qualify for disability compensation. Atticus can connect you with an attorney who can help you file a disability claim if you'd like.