File Workplace Complaint

Workers can report business violations of workplace laws to DCWP using online services, by email, or by mail. DCWP will treat all information received as confidential and will not disclose it without your permission or unless required by law.

File Complaint Online

You can use DCWP Online Services to file a complaint about:

If you have a general question or other worker protection complaint, please Ask a Question.

Already filed a worker complaint? Use your Intake Number to Check Worker Complaint Status.

File Complaint by Email or Mail

You can file a complaint by email or mail, except complaints about Freelance Isn't Free Act must be filed online. Please do NOT email or mail a complaint form if you have already submitted it online.

Minimum Wage and Overtime Complaints

The New York State Department of Labor enforces minimum wage, overtime, and other wage theft protections. To file a complaint, visit OR call 888-4-NYSDOL (888-469-7365)

Request for Assignment

If DCWP has obtained a final decision or order that authorizes restitution, awards money damages, or provides equitable relief for you, you may request “assignment” of the part of the decision or order that applies to you so you can take steps to enforce it.

Request a Statement of Interest

Deferred action is when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) uses its discretion in immigration matters and provides a noncitizen worker temporary protection from deportation for a period of time, usually up to two years. If a worker makes a request, DCWP can submit a letter (or a Statement of Interest) in support of a deferred action request when a worker is covered by a DCWP labor investigation or enforcement action. Learn how to request a Statement of Interest.

Call or Email Us

For more information or questions about DCWP's Office of Labor Policy & Standards (OLPS), call 311 (212-NEW-YORK outside NYC) or email