Lotteries require consistent and flawless draw results. As many lotteries and other draw games move online and operate continuously at high-frequency, drawing reliability is essential. Many of our client machines have been in use regularly for 20 or more years. This is only possible by using the highest quality materials and incorporating manufacturing innovations that simplify operation and lower risk, which generate a higher return on your investment.
Why do clients in 114 countries choose Smartplay equipment?
Our clients experience less downtime, longer equipment life and lower repair and maintenance costs. After 1 million draw events and 3,000 machines manufactured, we have had only 79 emergency visits outside of regularly scheduled maintenance.
Smartplay technicians regularly travel worldwide, performing scheduled maintenance on client equipment. Many of our clients schedule maintenance visits upon purchase of their equipment to assure optimal performance.
We offer extended support and maintenance packages which include phone support, regularly scheduled o n-site maintenance, and f ree or discounted replacement parts.
Customize any lottery system to fit your objectives. This includes the base design, colors, automation software, cameras, lighting and more.